Η Assistant Teacher

Η Assistant Teacher, (Comenius) prof. Αrianna Simonetti, μόλις έφτασε στο σχολείο μας, αρχές Σεπτέμβρη, έδωσε μια συνέντευξη στις μαθήτριές μας, Ζούνη Κωνσταντίνα και Καδά Μαριλένα.
Tell me, which is the main aim of Comenius?
One of the main aim of Comenius program is friendship and cooperation among nations. Accordingly, Comenius encourages the intercultural cooperation reinforcing the European dimension through the dialogue between different common history of Europe development.
Which is the purpose of Comenius for the teachers like you?
The purpose of Comenius assistantship is to give future teachers like me the opportunity to gain a better understanding of other European countries and their education systems, to enhance their knowledge of foreign languages and to improve their teaching skins.
Which was your first impression when you come to Greece and does it look like Italy?
My first impression was very good. Greece is a very beautiful country. Yes, it does look like Italy, because they?re both Mediterranean countries and have about the same climate. There are many beaches, and you can see that some old buildings look alike.
What have you heard about Greece and how you imagined it?
How do you find our hospitally? Do you think we are friendly?
Which places have you visited?
What have you heard about Greece and how you imagined it?
I have heared good things about Greece and I wanted to come sometimes. I like it Greek island and I have visited Santorini. It was very beautiful. The view from the top of the volcano is amazing.
How do you find our hospitally? Do you think we are friendly?
Yes! All people here are very good and friendly with me. Both teachers and students. They call me to go out with them, for coffee, or they invite me to their house to have food. With some of them I even went some shorts trips around the places next to Tripoli. Although, I expected here to be more people my age, like I was in France, where the most of them were at my age and we were doing stuff together as well. But, I think you are very friendly and I had a great time.
Which places have you visited?
I have visited Nauplio, a beautiful town by sea with nice all buildings and a Castle. Also, I have visited Astros , Patra and the ancient places around. All of that was very beautiful and of course, I visited Santorini as well as I told you earlier.