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?Oh my God! What am I doing here??.

These Words composed our first thought and reaction when after a hard morning (we had to travel from Tripolis to Athens), we found ourselves in a place like Planetarium where everyone was speaking English and was wearing a tie! We have to admit that at first place we were a little bit frightened since we had no previous experience, and stress had knocked early our door that day!

However, when we started talking with representatives of other countries and wandering around, every single doubt and every negative feeling, just disappeared. We just left ourselves enjoy this experience which tasted really good. So many other teenagers like us, with so many different points of view but with only one target to achieve: to make the  world  a better place to live.

Now that HMUN is over, each one of us feels more responsible about what?s going on around the world. These three days were enough to make us realize that our planet needs each one of us sensitized on its problems. Everyday more essential things than our daily routine take place and we can?t just close our eyes. We all live in the same world and we shouldn?t forget it! Just because something  doesn?t  happen to us, it doesn?t mean we should not care! It is our responsibility to care. We are all humans and we have to behave like that.

This conference was the door to a new world. So we thank everyone who helped this to take place!

The representatives of  Thailand.

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